Fastest Vpn

VPNs are notorious for slowing down your connection speed

VPN services have never shied away from the fact that online privacy came with a certain speed trade-off. For some VPN services, the slowing down of your Internet is so bad that streaming videos or other simple online activities such as web browsing become nearly impossible.


What causes VPNs to slow down your Internet?

There’s not one definitive cause that can be traced back to the decrease in your Internet speed. In truth, it’s a cumulation of factors.

The location of the server you connect to, the server load and the server quality itself, the type of encryption the VPN uses, or the VPN routing algorithms – all of these play a role part in chopping off your upload or download speeds and making your Internet run at snail speed.


We left no stone unturned in search for the fastest VPN possible

Teksploits always strives for excellency. So, when it came to building the fastest VPN, we knew we had to tackle every single aspect that may cause speed drops. And that’s exactly what we did.

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