Why choose Teksploits Vpn

Your data is in high demand

Data is the new gold in our privacy-invading and tracker-exploitative digital age. We?ve seen online services that hide behind shady privacy policies and ?free? products that mishandle your private information. We?ve seen companies selling data to marketers, government agencies, and other malicious parties for profit. We?ve seen these practices used to influence, categorize, and manipulate you.

But we chose to operate differently at Teksploits VPN. You are not a product, and you should not be treated as such. A VPN service can be your ally in the fight against online surveillance. But you should know that not all VPNs are created equal.

Your satisfaction is our mission at Teksploits VPN

In 2011, we embarked on a mission to build a tool that offers anonymity and privacy online. And we?ve always strived to give you nothing but the best. Because protecting your privacy, expanding your freedom, and increasing your safety on the Internet is our reason for being.

We don?t expect you to trust us blindly, and we like to let our VPN speak for itself. That?s why we have always offered a?free trial, even if this is now a dying practice.

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